Multisal 1, Union Scene:
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Grant Basma Horsnell
began his music journey in 1982 in a Post Punk band in Christchurch New Zealand.
That band’s continuing journey can be found here:
He continued in Sydney Australia through the late 80s and 90s playing in several bands, genres and instruments. Mainly on bass but including synths, guitar, percussion and mandolin.
Since coming to Norway in 2014 he has been finding his voice in electronic music, mainly through the iPad. Being particularly fascinated by Downtempo, Soundscapes and Dark Ambient textures, as well as exploring the use of Spoken Word in those environments.
His music can be found here:
Other Socials include:
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Guro Kverndokk
Stemmen er ikke bare et instrument, men en kanal for narrativ og rå menneskelig opplevelse. Gjennom improvisasjon, elektronikk, vokal og lyrikk skaper Kverndokk sin egen verden. Det kan være vakkert og svevende, med delikate vokale tonelag og melodier. Det kan også være sårbart, stygt, dissosiativt og svært intenst, med utvidede stemmeteknikker og upolerte, genuine og rå tekstutdrag.
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is a Norwegian drone specialist. Sound-rituals are usually done in significant places.
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