Torsdag 26. september kl. 19.00 har vi den store gleden av å ønske velkommen til pop-up utstillingen “Technotopia” av den anerkjente serbiske kunstneren Tanja Rajkovic.
Serbias ambassadør i Norge, Dragan Petrovic åpner utstillingen. Det blir servering av kake og champagne og ryktene sier at det også blir DJ.
Tanja Rajkovic, født 1977, er utdannet fra College of Fine and Applied Arts og Academy of Fine Arts i Beograd.
Hun fokuserer på problemene i det moderne teknologiske samfunn og den menneskelige fremmedgjøring som følger av dette.
Utstillingen hennes her hos oss, tar utgangspunkt i Huxley´s utsagn om at det finnes ingen frihet i verden, kun gyldne bur/ fengsler. Maleriene er utført i olje, men rene “moderne” verker hvor alt er minimalisert, men uttrykket utvetydig.
Hun er innkjøpt av samlinger og samlere Serbia, Østerrike, U.S.A., Ungarn, England, Monaco og Norge.
Utstillingen varer til 13. oktober – hjertelig velkommen til oss !
Med vennlig hilsen Lars, Sofia, Tanja, Anette, Sofiia & Isabel.Technotopia
“Ehxibition Tecnotopia of artist Tanja Rajkovic Illustrates Huxley’s words that there is no freedom in this world, only golden cages. She position herself as an observer, using aesthetic of pop art and posters from 50’s, still analog and kind of naive epoch, Tanja is subtle in portraying problems of contemporary, digital world. Screens that used to be windows in the world, spreading horisonts, today are traps that are restraing the view, holding focus on only what is offered. Retro visuals are reminder that these kind of challenges that we are facing are nothing new, story is old and it is repeating.
As a wake up call from numbness, Tanja is using iconic yet frustrating screen for lost signal, giving chance to step back, to rethink but it seems that still is easeier just to wait for the program to continue. People on these paintings are still, pasive to everything that is happenig around them. In comfort of their living room, in front of their screens, tucked in their virtual world, they could watch worst scenario of future, still thinking that is all just comercial or a game.
Dystopian landscape of these paintings is colorful sketch of our reality, a brief moment in history of mankind on the verge of transhumanism, when people and tecnology are in same time in the best and the worst kind of symbiosis.”
– Sonja Beljic, Art historian
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